
I’m just noticing that a lot of my ground truth on matters internetty is based on the proposition that the internet is on a continuum with other means of individual creative expression; internet, tv, movies, radio…(skip ahead, brother)…live voice, our bodies. And that it is also this way with tools of individual education, certainly. But (ding!) others may see the thing differently. Perhaps as primarily a token game platform, or a herding mechanism.
This is somehow poetically apt, almost selbstsatire for Twitter’s impending implosion into irrelevance.
[ Note: this is recent and apparently for real. The ad I mean. Not the content they’re hawking, Carol. ]
If you are thinking about doing something a little gangsta this afternoon—or even if not—have a listen to this before you go, just to sort of loosen up :-)
Life Is Good In the Greenhouse
A great little ditty from a great little combo from way back when…
Everybody says something, truth lies or both
But dear all your hot air don’t encourage growth
Do you wonder why I look so fresh?
Do you wonder why I look so tall?
Do you wonder why you’ll never ever move me?
Life is good in the greenhouse
Rather be a plant than be your Mickey Mouse
— XTC from Go2, 1978
To get at why stories seem to me fundamental building blocks of reality I have to backpedal and talk about pictures for a bit. ❡ Building blocks of reality? Dude, smoke another bowl… ❡ Pictures. We know what those are. Kind of freeze frames of the light available at some particular moment. Pictures of things, pictures of words. We consume and conceptualize them now as pixel collections, sometimes printed, mostly on screen.