Posts in: Organization

Most debilitating is when I try to stop for a moment and attend to the actual obtaining circumstances of my own life. I can’t help seeing my collection of problems and challenges for what they are, ludicrously simple, laughable unimportant, and the opposite of urgent. I must find a way to do it anyway.

We see the same stupid, greed-head, get my boat this quarter thinking, repeated in variations.


It’s the clicks, that’s where the money is. Count the clicks. We have more clicks. Charge more for ads. Run ads about clicks.


It’s the links, that’s where the money is. More links to your links. We have more links. Charge more for ads. Run ads about links.


It’s the likes and the boosts, that’s where the money is. Count the likes and the boosts. We have more. Charge more for ads. Run ads about who likes who and who boosts who.


Maybe ai could click things, and link things, and like things, and boost things for us. Then people can vote on how good of a job the ai are doing, clicking and linking and liking and boosting. That’s where the money is. Charge more for ads. Ads about which are the best ais!

Continuing this train of thought

Of course, I’m working from the luxury of believing I understand how this stuff works for my ends. Currently I compose my content on my devices and I store it there, and back it up locally. Then I post this material to my domain, So folks can go there and read it and look at it. Then, instantaneously really, it is shared to people on…and anyone who follows me there…or subscribes to my rss feed(s)…or follows me on deadbird where they can belittle or ignore it (☠️🙃🤪❥)…or the hairy elephant (mastodon, ho ho, I’m so funny) where they and I are mostly peers, in discussion at least, and I have no need for boost…and Tumblr, if I connected to it…or Flikr, if I connect to it…and so on. And not just services that can’t buy a vowel, but many others, via scripting and such.

So I have my private source, and my public domain. I can easily push from one into the other. I can interact with any/everyone on all the places where I’m bkryer, which is any/everywhere.

Thanks for making this so easy. It is worth more than a $10 shake.

Just Noticing

I’m just noticing that a lot of my ground truth on matters internetty is based on the proposition that the internet is on a continuum with other means of individual creative expression; internet, tv, movies, radio…(skip ahead, brother)…live voice, our bodies. And that it is also this way with tools of individual education, certainly. But (ding!) others may see the thing differently. Perhaps as primarily a token game platform, or a herding mechanism.

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I guess a lot of us are I’m just looking for some help untangling the kite strings.

I’ll put it this way: If one is unhappy, not only is one entitled to do something about it, one is required to, for everyone else‘s sake, and also one’s own. And being both alive 😀 and free enable one to do this. It’s kind of a whole package.

Really tired of grown ups on TV surprised that an IT technician has access to IT resources, which means access to everything, everywhere, all at once. Have you sneaky hackeretti convinced everyone you’re really only about corn chips, first person shooters, and porn? Well done ya fux, well done.

Whatz you need? Diamonds…hnuh…powdered milk? I get it for you. BRIDE? I get it.

You’re just saying white things.

If in city I get it for you…popcornz, bleachez, nurse…

Stop. No, not you, keep walking…

…shark tooth…cueball…marzshmallow…
…mini-marzshmallow…albino monkey…Betty!…I get it.
…talcum…smash potato…polarz bear…crisco…
…mayonaisez…shaves cream…little bent bit o' plastic spork…

Six of One, Half Dozen of an Other

Hitting me in the heart with your words is equal to me hitting you in the head with my stick. Six of one…

No—that’s half of one to six dozen of an other, i.e. gross…a gross…aha, a ha ha ha. Ahem—it’s not the same. You’re mistaking the inside for the outside, you see?
